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The Various Tips and Tricks To Get The Most Juice Out of Any Lemons You Might Buy

It can be quite the squeeze when you are thinking of how much juice yield to expect from a fresh batch of lemons you’ve just purchased. But it doesn’t have to be so! Read ahead for a comprehensive guide on how much juice you can expect from a lemon, considering average yields, factors affecting juice extraction, and practical tips for maximizing juice output.

By Cookist

Lemons are a staple in many kitchens, used for their tangy flavor and refreshing aroma. Whether you're baking, cooking, or making a drink, knowing how much juice you can get from a lemon can help you plan your recipes better. Below, we're going to explore the average amount of juice in a lemon, factors that affect the juice yield, and tips for maximizing juice extraction.

What Is the Average Juice Yield?

On average, a medium-sized lemon contains about 2-3 tablespoons (30-45 ml) of juice. However, this can vary based on the size and variety of the lemon. Furthermore, there are several factors that can affect the juice yield of your lemons. They are:

  • Larger lemons generally yield more juice than smaller ones. Varieties like Eureka and Lisbon are typically juicier than others.
  • A fully ripe lemon is softer and juicier compared to an underripe lemon.
  • Lemons stored at room temperature are easier to juice than those that are cold.

How to Buy Lemons to Maximize Juice Yield

The content of your lemon fruit is dependent on a few factors as discussed above. However, you can easily determine how much juice to expect from a batch. All you have to do on your next shopping trip is look out for the size and weight of the lemons. Here’s the average yield from lemons based on their size and weight:

By Size

Small lemons typically yields about 1-2 tablespoons (15-30 ml) of juice, whereas medium lemons provide approximately 2-3 tablespoons (30-45 ml) of juice.Large lemons, finally, can give 3-4 tablespoons (45-60 ml) of juice.

By Weight

1 medium lemon usually equals about 1.5 ounces (45 grams) of juice.In recipes, 1 cup of lemon juice will, therefore, require about 4-6 medium lemons.

Tips for Maximizing Juice Extraction

Before juicing, roll the lemon on the countertop with your palm to soften it. This helps to break down the cell walls and release more juice. Heat the lemon in the microwave for about 10-15 seconds. This technique warms up the juice inside and makes it easier to extract. Cutting the lemon lengthwise (from top to bottom) rather than crosswise can expose more of the juice sacs and increase juice yield. A handheld or electric juicer can help you extract the maximum amount of juice with minimal effort. If using your hands, squeeze and twist the lemon half over a bowl to extract as much juice as possible. Using a fork to pierce the flesh and twist can also help release more juice.


How Can You Use Lemon Juice in Recipes?

Knowing the average juice yield can help you accurately measure the amount needed for various recipes. Here are some common uses:

  • A typical vinaigrette recipe calls for about 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.
  • Lemon cakes or lemon bars usually require 1-2 lemons for their zesty flavor.
  • Lemon juice is often used to marinate meats or enhance the flavor of vegetables.
  • Fresh lemonade or cocktails like a lemon martini can require the juice of several lemons for a refreshing taste.
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