
Strawberry Puff Pastry Cannoli: The Recipe for A Unique and Flavorful Dessert You Won’t Resist!

Total time: 30 min
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 6-8
By Cookist

Are you craving a sweet, refreshing treat that's both impressive and easy to make? Look no further than Strawberry Cannoli made with puff pastry and cream cheese! This delightful twist on the classic Italian dessert combines the light, flaky texture of puff pastry with a creamy, strawberry filling made with rich, tangy cream cheese. Forget about heating up oil for frying traditional cannoli shells. This recipe uses store-bought puff pastry for a shortcut that delivers incredible results. And the filling? It's a vibrant combination of fresh strawberries combined with rich cream cheese, bursting with flavor in every bite. So ditch the ordinary and whip up a batch of these stunning strawberry cannoli. They're perfect for a summer dessert party or a delightful after-dinner treat!

What is Strawberry Cannoli?

Classic cannoli are believed to have originated in Sicily sometime during the Arab rule between the 9th and 11th centuries. Legends point to the city of Caltanissetta, where some say it was the creation of the Emir's wives who took inspiration from existing Arabic desserts with ricotta, almonds, and honey. Another story suggests it was Christian nuns who adopted the recipe and made it a celebratory treat during Carnevale.

Strawberry cannoli made with puff pastry and cream cheese is a delightful twist on the classic Italian dessert. Instead of traditional fried cannoli shells, this version uses a shortcut with store-bought puff pastry. This gives you a light, flaky, and buttery base. The filling is a creamy mixture made with rich and tangy cream cheese. Fresh strawberries are included, adding bursts of sweet, juicy flavor in every bite. The crisp, flaky puff pastry shell gives way to a smooth, creamy filling with pops of fresh strawberry flavor.  Perfect for those who love the classic cannoli but want a lighter and fruitier option.


  • Take the puff pastry out of the freezer at least an hour before you need it. Allow to thaw completely at room temperature. Once thawed, handle it as little as possible to avoid activating the gluten and making the dough tough.
  • Make sure your oven is fully preheated before baking. This initial burst of heat helps puff pastry rise quickly and create those lovely flaky layers.
  • Brushing the exposed pastry edges with an egg wash before baking creates a gorgeous golden brown color and adds a nice shine to your finished cannoli. Use a pastry brush for even application.
  • While tempting, resist the urge to overstuff your cannoli. Too much filling can burst the pastry during baking.
  • Fresh strawberries release a lot of juice. To prevent a soggy cannoli, drain any excess juice from the berries before adding them to the cream cheese mixture. You can pat them dry with a paper towel.
  • Get creative with garnishes! Dusted powdered sugar, a drizzle of melted chocolate, or fresh strawberry slices add a touch of elegance.

What Can I Substitute For Cream Cheese In The Filling?

Mascarpone cheese or ricotta can be a good substitute for ricotta cheese, although it has a slightly richer texture.

Can I Use Frozen Strawberries?

Technically yes, but they can make the pastry soggy. If using frozen, thaw them completely and drain off any excess moisture before using.

Can I Use Something Other Than Puff Pastry?

While puff pastry is the easiest shortcut, you could potentially make your own cannoli shells from scratch using a ricotta dough recipe. This will require more time and effort, but will deliver a more traditional cannoli experience.

What Kind Of Cream Cheese Should I Use?

Full-fat cream cheese will give you the richest flavor and best texture. However, you can also use Neufchâtel cheese for a slightly lighter option. Just be sure it's softened to room temperature before mixing.

More Strawberry Recipes for Delicious Desserts

3-Ingredient Strawberry Sorbet

No-Bake Strawberry Tiramisu

Strawberry Cream Cheese Tarts

No-Bake Strawberry Cheesecake

How to Store Strawberry Cannoli

Let them cool completely, then store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. However, the crust will soften slightly over time.


1 roll of puff pastry
Vanilla Extract
1 tsp
Cream Cheese
360g (12.7 oz)
Vanilla powdered sugar
80g (1/3 cup)
1 egg yolk
Milk (for brushing)

How To Make Strawberry Cannoli

Combine cream cheese and powdered sugar in a bowl until smooth.

Cut the puff pastry into 12 squares. Add cream cheese mixture and strawberries to the center of each. Brush edges with egg yolk.

Preheat oven to 370°F (190°C). Bake pastries for 25 minutes or until golden brown.

Dust with powdered sugar before serving.

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