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Poached Floating Eggs Recipe

Total time: 15 min
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 2-4
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By Cookist

Floating Eggs is an interesting and unconventional method of poaching. The technique involves gently cooking eggs in individual silicone muffin cups, allowing them to "float" in a pot of simmering water. The result is perfectly cooked poached eggs with immaculate yolks, a feat that often challenges even the most seasoned cooks. Floating eggs can be the star of the breakfast plate or a sophisticated addition to brunch. They can complement a wide array of flavors, and can be served as is or drizzled with a tangy hollandaise sauce and served on English muffins for a classic Eggs Benedict. Whether you're a seasoned home cook or a novice in the kitchen, give floating eggs a try. With a little practice, you'll be mastering this technique in no time, impressing your family and friends with your culinary ability.

What are Floating Eggs?

Floating eggs, a culinary innovation that has taken the breakfast world by storm, are poached eggs cooked in silicone muffin cups. This method has transformed the often-daunting task of poaching into a foolproof process, resulting in perfectly cooked eggs with immaculate yolks. Silicone muffin cups, designed to withstand high temperatures, provide the perfect cradle for each egg. By carefully lowering the filled cups into gently simmering water, the eggs cook evenly without the risk of breaking. The result is a consistently perfect poached egg every time.

Poaching itself is a technique that has been enjoyed for centuries, with evidence of its existence dating back to Roman times. However, the use of silicone muffin cups as a poaching vessel is a more recent development, likely a product of the 21st century‘s kitchenware innovations. The silicone cups provide a stable environment for the egg to cook, preventing it from spreading and ensuring a neat shape. Additionally, the cups protect the delicate yolk from breaking, resulting in a luxurious, runny center. This method also allows for multiple eggs to be cooked simultaneously, making it ideal for feeding a crowd.

Tips for The Best Floating Eggs

  • Opt for fresh eggs with firm yolks for optimal results. Older eggs may spread more when cooking.
  • Ensure your silicone muffin cups are clean and dry before use. This prevents sticking and ensures even cooking.
  • Maintain a gentle simmer, around 185°F (85°C). Boiling water can cause the eggs to overcook.
  • Crack eggs directly into the silicone cups, avoiding any shell fragments. This prevents the egg whites from spreading.
  • Adding a splash of white vinegar to the simmering water helps set the egg whites, resulting in a neater poached egg.
  • Overcooked eggs will have tough yolks. Aim for a cooking time of 3 – 4 minutes for a runny yolk.
  • Enhance the flavor of your floating eggs by seasoning with salt and pepper after cooking.
  • Get creative with your toppings. Try hollandaise sauce, smoked salmon, avocado, or your favorite herbs.

What Temperature Should the Water Be For Floating Eggs?

Maintain a gentle simmer, around 185°F (85°C). Avoid boiling water.

Can I Reuse the Silicone Muffin Cups For Floating Eggs?

Yes, silicone muffin cups are reusable. Wash them thoroughly with hot soapy water after each use.

How Long Should I Cook Floating Eggs?

Cooking time depends on desired doneness. Typically, 3 – 4 minutes for runny yolks, longer for firmer yolks.

What Can I Serve with Floating Eggs?

Floating eggs pair well with toast, avocado toast, English muffins, or as a topping for salads.

Do I Need to Add Anything To The Water For Floating Eggs?

Adding a splash of white vinegar can help set the egg whites.

What Are the Benefits Of Using Silicone Muffin Cups For Poaching Eggs?

Silicone muffin cups create a contained environment for the egg, preventing spreading and ensuring a perfect shape.

How to Store Floating Eggs

Store cooked eggs in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Make sure to consume it within two days.


4 eggs
slice of bread

How to Make Floating Eggs

Crack an egg into each silicone muffin cup.

Gently lower the filled muffin cups into a pot of simmering water.

Cook for approximately 10 minutes, or until the egg whites are set and the yolk is cooked to the desired consistency.

Carefully remove the cooked eggs from the muffin cups and serve immediately.

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