
Paradise Coffee Cream: The Fresh, Perfect Creamy 4-Ingredient Treat for Coffee Lovers

Total time: 10 min
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 2-4
By Cookist

Do you crave a cup of coffee so rich, so creamy, it transports you to a place of pure bliss? Well, get ready to wake up and smell paradise! Paradise Coffee Cream will elevate your daily coffee from good to amazing. Whether you're a die-hard coffee aficionado or a casual joe (pun intended!), Paradise Coffee Cream offers a luxurious indulgence that turns any brew into a masterpiece…a flavor so delicious, it'll make you want to say "ahhhhh" with every sip. To make it is super easy too! Simply whip cream until soft peaks form, then fold it into a mixture of condensed milk, mascarpone, and coffee. With only four ingredients, you can transform your coffee routine – one creamy sip at a time!

What is Paradise Coffee Cream?

Unlike some classic desserts with documented origins, Paradise Coffee Cream doesn't have a singular story or inventor. It likely emerged as a way to combine the rich creaminess of mascarpone cheese with the invigorating flavor of coffee. Here's what we do know: Paradise Coffee Cream is a relatively modern coffee dessert, with recipes popping up on cooking websites and blogs over the last decade or so. It seems to be a fusion of Italian inspiration (mascarpone cheese) and the global love for coffee. It uses readily available ingredients and requires minimal preparation, making it a perfect choice for home cooks of all levels. Whipped cream forms the base, folded together with a smooth mascarpone mixture flavored with coffee and sweetened with condensed milk. The result is light, airy, and very creamy!


  • Skip the instant coffee for this recipe. Freshly brewed coffee delivers a richer and more complex flavor that shines through in the final product. Choose a good quality coffee bean and brew it to your desired strength.
  • Before adding the coffee to the mascarpone mixture, make sure it's completely cool. Hot coffee can melt the butterfat in the mascarpone, leading to a greasy texture.
  • For the fluffiest whipped cream, ensure your bowl and whipping cream are both well chilled. Cold temperatures help the cream hold its shape better. Whip the cream to stiff peaks, where the peaks hold their shape when you lift the whisk.
  • When incorporating the whipped cream into the mascarpone mixture, use a gentle folding motion. This helps maintain the air in the whipped cream, resulting in a light and airy dessert. Don't overmix, or you'll end up with a dense cream.
  • Condensed milk provides sweetness in the recipe, but feel free to adjust the amount based on your preference. Start with a little less and add more to taste if needed.
  • For a touch of extra decadence, consider folding in chopped nuts, chocolate shavings, or a drizzle of caramel sauce before serving. You could even layer the coffee cream with crumbled cookies or biscotti for a textural contrast.

Can I Use Instant Coffee For Paradise Coffee Cream?

Technically yes, but freshly brewed coffee will deliver a richer and more complex flavor.

Can I Make Paradise Coffee Cream Ahead Of Time?

Yes, you can make it and refrigerate it for up to 3 days. The flavor will develop slightly, but the texture might be a touch denser.

How Can I Make Paradise Coffee Cream More Decadent?

You can fold in chopped nuts, chocolate shavings, or a drizzle of caramel sauce before serving.

Can I Make Paradise Coffee Cream Vegan?

There are vegan alternatives for mascarpone cheese and whipped cream. Look for dairy-free options made from cashews or coconut milk.

More Coffee Recipes You Have to Try if You're a Coffee Lover

Dalgona Coffee

Coffee Ice Cream

Coffee Whipped Cream

Coffee Mousse

3-Ingredient Coffee Ganache

How to Store Paradise Coffee Cream

Paradise Coffee Cream is best enjoyed chilled. Store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 days.


Whipping cream
250g (1 cup)
Mascarpone cheese
120g (1/2 cup)
Condensed milk
100g (1/4 cup)
espresso coffee
50ml (1/4 cup)

How To Make Paradise Coffee Cream

Using a chilled bowl and electric whisk, whip the cold whipping cream until it reaches stiff peaks.

In a separate bowl, combine the smooth mascarpone cheese, sweetened condensed milk, and brewed coffee. Use a spatula to gently fold everything together until it forms a soft and creamy mixture.

Now fold the whipped cream into the mascarpone mixture. Do so lightly to avoid losing the air in the whipped cream.

Cover the bowl and refrigerate the Paradise Coffee Cream for at least 1 hour. This allows the flavors to meld and the dessert to set slightly. Then, scoop it into your favorite mugs or glasses and enjoy.

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