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Is Goat Cheese Considered Dairy or Is It Safe For Those Who Are Lactose Intolerant?

Goat cheese is, indeed a dairy product made from goat's milk but is easier to digest than cow's milk cheese. Its lower lactose content and different protein structures make it popular among those with lactose intolerance. Goat cheese can be substituted in recipes for cream cheese, ricotta, cheddar, or Parmesan, adding a unique flavor to dishes.

By Cookist

Despite being relatively new to the American palate, goat cheese has quickly become as polarizing as blue cheese due to its distinctively tangy taste. While some people might shy away from its bold flavor, others have found it to be a delightful alternative, especially those who struggle with digesting traditional cow’s milk cheeses. If you're in search of a cheese that’s easier on your stomach, goat cheese might be the solution you've been looking for!

What is Goat Cheese?

Goat cheese, also known as chèvre (the French word for goat), is a type of cheese made from goat's milk. Yes, it is indeed classified as a dairy product, just like cheeses made from cow’s or sheep’s milk. Dairy products are defined as foods made from the milk of mammals, and goat cheese fits this definition perfectly. Its creamy texture and tangy flavor set it apart from other types of cheese, making it a unique addition to any cheese board or recipe.


Why is Goat Cheese Ok For Those Who Are Lactose Intolerant?

One of the reasons goat cheese is so well received by those who are lactose intolerant or have difficulty digesting cow’s milk cheese is its lower lactose content. Goat's milk contains less lactose than cow's milk, making it easier for many people to digest. Additionally, the fat globules in goat's milk are smaller, which means they are more easily broken down during digestion. Goat cheese also contains different protein structures, which some people find easier to tolerate than those in cow's milk cheese. These factors make goat cheese a popular choice for those seeking a more digestible dairy option.

Substituting Goat Cheese in Recipes

If you’re looking to substitute goat cheese for cow’s milk cheese in your recipes, you’re in for a treat. Goat cheese’s unique flavor can add a new dimension to many dishes. For a creamy alternative, try using fresh goat cheese in place of cream cheese or ricotta in spreads and desserts. Its tangy taste works well in salads, pizzas, and pasta dishes, offering a pleasant contrast to the other ingredients. Aged goat cheese can replace harder cheeses like cheddar or Parmesan, providing a flavorful twist. When substituting, keep in mind the distinct flavor of goat cheese and adjust the quantities to suit your taste.

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