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How to Make Chocolate Shot Glasses: The Easy Method for DIY Chocolate Glasses Without a Mold

Making chocolate glasses without molds is easy: all you will need to do is melt 400g chocolate, coat the inside of paper cups, refrigerate, and peel off the paper. These glasses last up to a week in the fridge or a month in the freezer. Use silicone liners or balloons as DIY molds.

By Cookist

Chocolate is one of the most versatile ingredients for crafting shapes and decorations, and its uses extend far beyond simple bars and truffles. Imagine serving shots or ice cream in edible chocolate glasses! You might think this requires specialized molds, tempering chocolate, and pastry chef skills. But guess what? It's much easier than that. With our simple method, you can create stunning chocolate glasses in under an hour, no professional experience needed!

How to Make DIY Chocolate Glasses


To start, you'll need 400g of your favorite chocolate. Chop the chocolate into small, even pieces to ensure it melts smoothly. Melt the chocolate using a double boiler or microwave in short bursts, stirring frequently to avoid burning. Once melted, let the chocolate cool slightly, so it's thick but still pourable.

Here’s where the magic happens: grab some paper cups—the kind you use for parties or coffee. Pour the melted chocolate into each cup, swirling it around to coat the inside evenly. Make sure the chocolate layer is thick enough to hold its shape once cooled. Place the chocolate-filled cups in the fridge and let them chill until fully set, which takes about 20-30 minutes.

When the chocolate has hardened, gently peel away the paper cup, starting from the top edge and working your way down. Voilà! You have a beautiful, edible chocolate glass. If you find the chocolate sticking, pop the cups in the freezer for a few minutes to make the paper easier to remove.


How Long Will These Chocolate Glasses Last?

These glasses are surprisingly durable, especially when stored in a cool, dry place. They’ll keep for up to a week in the fridge. If you want to prepare them in advance, you can even freeze them for up to a month. Just make sure to thaw them gently in the fridge to avoid condensation, which can weaken the chocolate.

As for fillings, the possibilities are endless. Pour in a rich liqueur for a decadent shot, serve scoops of ice cream for a delightful dessert, or fill them with mousse for an elegant treat. Remember, chocolate melts at body temperature, so avoid hot beverages unless you want a gooey mess!

Can I Make These Shot With Other Things Other Than Paper Cups?

If paper cups aren’t your style, don’t worry—there are plenty of other DIY options for making chocolate glasses. Silicone cupcake liners work wonderfully and peel off easily. You can also use small balloons: inflate them to your desired size, dip them in melted chocolate, and let them set in the fridge before popping and removing the balloon. Another fun idea is using shot glasses as molds. Coat the inside of the glass with melted chocolate, let it set, and then gently warm the outside with your hands or a warm cloth to release the chocolate.

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