How to Can Apples: the Easy Method to Preserve Apples All-Year Round

Read ahead to find out how to safely can apples to have an all-year round supply of these cripy goodies, perfect as a snack or to enjoy an apple pie or an apple crumble even during summer, when apples are not in season!

By Cookist

Apples are a beloved fruit, often found gracing our grocery store shelves year-round. However, there are certain months when it's best to steer clear of them, either due to lack of freshness or inflated prices. So, what can you do if you find yourself craving apples or need them for a recipe during these off-peak times? The solution is simple and delicious: canning apples. With our guide, you'll be able to enjoy this crisp fruit anytime you like.

Is It Safe to Can Apples?

Before diving into the canning process, let's address a common concern: is it safe to can apples? The answer is a resounding yes. Canning apples is a safe and effective way to preserve their flavor and nutritional value. When done correctly, the process of canning prevents the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms, ensuring that your apples remain safe to eat for an extended period. Just be sure to follow proper canning procedures and hygiene practices to avoid any potential risks.

How to Can Apples The Right Way


Now, let's get to the fun part—how to can apples. Start with 2 kilograms of freshly washed apples. Cut them into small pieces, ensuring that any bruises or blemishes are removed. In a bowl, mix water with a bit of lemon juice. This acidic bath helps prevent the apples from browning. Let the diced apples soak for about five minutes, then drain them.

Next, fill two glass jars with the apple pieces. Add a tablespoon of sugar to each jar for a touch of sweetness. Fill the jars with water, ensuring the apples are fully submerged. Cover the jars and place them in a pot filled with water. Bring the water to a boil and let it simmer for 15 minutes. This process not only cooks the apples slightly but also vacuum seals the jars, making them shelf-stable. Once the time is up, carefully remove the jars and let them cool. Voila, your canned apples are ready!

Do Apples Need to Be Cooked Before Canning?


A frequently asked question is whether apples need to be cooked before canning. The good news is, they don't have to be. Canning raw apples is perfectly safe and often preferred, as it helps retain their natural texture and flavor. The boiling process during canning is sufficient to cook the apples just enough to preserve them while maintaining their crispness. If you prefer a softer texture, you can blanch the apples briefly before canning, but it's not necessary for safety.

How to Store and Use Canned Apples

Once you've successfully canned your apples, you might wonder how long they will keep and what you can do with them. Properly canned apples can last up to a year when stored in a cool, dark place. Their versatility makes them a fantastic addition to your pantry. Use them in pies, crumbles, or as a topping for pancakes and waffles. They can also be enjoyed straight from the jar as a quick snack. The possibilities are endless, and having a stash of canned apples ensures you're always ready to whip up a delicious apple-based treat.

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