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How Long Does a Watermelon Last Once You Have Cut It?

Watermelon lasts 3-5 days in the fridge when stored in an airtight container, while, at room temperature, it lasts only 4-6 hours before losing freshness. To extend its shelf life, you can freeze cut watermelon for up to a year, but expect a mushier texture. To check if it’s gone bad, look for a sour smell, sliminess, or mold.

By Cookist

Ah, watermelon! The star fruit of summer, always making an appearance at picnics and as a refreshing snack during those hot, sunny days. It's packed with water to quench your thirst and provides a delightful burst of sweetness. Given its size, you're likely not eating it all in one go. So, how long can you store a cut watermelon in the fridge? And is there a way to extend its shelf life?

How Long Can a Watermelon Last Once You've Cut It?

Once you've cut into that juicy watermelon, the clock starts ticking on its freshness. When stored properly in the fridge, cut watermelon can stay fresh for about 3 to 5 days. To maintain its crispness and prevent it from drying out, store it in an airtight container or wrap it tightly with plastic wrap. This helps lock in the moisture and keeps other fridge odors from mingling with your melon. Place it towards the back of the fridge, where the temperature is most consistent.


How Long Does It Last Out of the Fridge?

Let's say you’ve left some cut watermelon out on the counter. How long does it last? Unfortunately, watermelon’s freshness fades fast at room temperature. Cut watermelon can only last about 4 to 6 hours out of the fridge before it starts losing its texture and flavor. If you’re planning a picnic or outdoor event, keep it cool in a cooler with ice packs to prolong its refreshing qualities.

Can You Freeze Watermelon?

Now, can you freeze watermelon to make it last longer? The answer is yes, but with a caveat. Freezing watermelon changes its texture, making it mushier once thawed. However, frozen watermelon works wonderfully in smoothies, cocktails, or as a frosty snack. To freeze, cut the watermelon into chunks, place them on a baking sheet in a single layer, and freeze until solid. Then, transfer the frozen pieces to a freezer-safe bag. Properly stored, frozen watermelon can last up to a year.


How to Tell if Your Watermelon Has Gone Bad

Even with the best storage practices, sometimes life gets busy, and your watermelon might overstay its welcome in the fridge. How can you tell if it's gone bad? Trust your senses. If the watermelon has a sour or off smell, it's time to toss it. Look for changes in texture; if it’s slimy or overly mushy, it’s no longer good. Discoloration or mold are clear signs that your watermelon has seen better days. Remember, when in doubt, throw it out to avoid any foodborne illnesses.

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