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Here’s Why You Should Never Plant Cucumbers Next to Zucchini in That Garden Of Yours

Cucumbers and zucchini should never be planted together due to competition for resources, risk of cross-pollination, and shared susceptibility to pests and diseases. Instead, plant cucumbers near beans, peas, and marigolds, and zucchini with corn, beans, and nasturtiums for a healthier and more productive garden.

By Cookist

Cucumbers and zucchini are true summer stars, easily grown at home in your own garden. Both plants belong to the same family, the Cucurbitaceae, which might make you think they can be planted together and tended to at the same time. Perfect, right? Wrong, actually! These two plants should never be planted next to each other. Here's why.

They Compete for Resources

The primary reason cucumbers and zucchini should not be planted together is their intense competition for resources. Both plants have similar needs—they require ample sunlight, nutrients, and water to thrive. When planted close to each other, they can end up competing fiercely for these resources. This competition can stunt their growth, reduce yields, and make the plants more susceptible to diseases and pests. Instead of flourishing side by side, cucumbers and zucchini might end up struggling to survive, leaving you with a less bountiful harvest.


The Issue of Cross-Pollination

Another significant concern is the potential for cross-pollination. While cucumbers and zucchini belong to the same plant family, they are different species and do not cross-pollinate in a way that affects the current generation of fruits. However, if you save seeds from your garden, cross-pollination can result in hybrid plants with unpredictable and often undesirable characteristics in the next generation. This can lead to unexpected surprises in your garden, where the fruits may not resemble their parent plants, producing something that is neither a good cucumber nor a good zucchini. It’s best to keep these plants separated to maintain the purity of each variety.

Disease and Pest Management

Planting cucumbers and zucchini together can also make disease and pest management more challenging. Both plants are susceptible to similar pests and diseases, such as cucumber beetles, squash bugs, and powdery mildew. When planted together, an infestation or outbreak can spread more quickly and easily between the two plants. Keeping them apart can help to minimize the risk of widespread problems, allowing you to manage and treat issues more effectively. It's like social distancing for plants—keeping them apart helps keep them healthy.


Companion Plants to Plant With Cucumbers and Zucchini

So, what can you plant next to cucumbers and zucchini to ensure a thriving garden? Cucumbers do well when planted near beans, peas, and radishes, which can help improve soil fertility and deter pests. Marigolds are also excellent companions, as they repel harmful insects. On the other hand, zucchini pairs well with corn, beans, and nasturtiums. Corn provides a natural trellis for beans and shades the soil, helping to retain moisture, while beans fix nitrogen in the soil, benefiting the zucchini. Nasturtiums attract beneficial insects and deter pests.

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