
Air Fryer Brownies: the Easy Recipe for Fudgy and Moist Brownies Ready in Just 20 Minutes!

Total time: 10 min prep/ 20 min cook
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 4-6
By Cookist

Craving a warm, fudgy brownie but don't want to preheat the whole oven? Look no further than the magic of your air fryer! Air Fryer Brownies are a tasty twist on the classic dessert, offering the same rich chocolatey goodness. These brownies are perfect for a quick after-dinner treat, a satisfying midday snack, or for your lunchbox. It’s so quick to make. In just minutes, you can whip up a batch using just a few pantry staples, including cocoa powder, flour, butter, and eggs. The air fryer's rapid circulation of hot air cooks the brownies evenly, resulting in a decadent center and a yummy textural contrast. Unlike traditional brownies, there's no need to preheat your oven, making this recipe ideal for those times when you just need a chocolate fix – fast!

What are Air Fryer Brownies?

While the classic brownie has a rich history dating back to the late 19th century, Air Fryer Brownies are an innovation of the 21st century. Unlike their oven-baked counterparts, these brownies make use of the power of the air fryer to achieve a similar deliciousness in a fraction of the time.

Air Fryer Brownies are special for a few reasons. Air fryers use rapid air circulation to cook food quickly and evenly. This translates to perfectly fudgy brownies in a fraction of the time it takes a traditional oven. The concentrated heat of the air fryer also creates a crispy outer shell on your brownies, adding a textural contrast to the gooey center. Air fryers heat up much faster than ovens, making them ideal for satisfying sudden brownie cravings.


  • Since air fryers come in various sizes, use a pan that fits comfortably inside without crowding the brownies. A 7-inch round or square pan is a good starting point for most air fryers.
  • Silicone pans are great for air fryer brownies as they distribute heat evenly and make removing the brownies easier. However, they may require slightly longer cooking times compared to metal pans.
  • Air fryers are smaller than ovens, so halve a traditional brownie recipe to ensure even cooking.
  • Just like with regular brownies, overmixing the batter incorporates too much air, leading to a cakey texture. Mix until the ingredients are just combined.
  • Air fryers often don't require preheating; however, preheating for a few minutes can help ensure even cooking, especially for thicker batters.
  • Air fryers cook food quickly, so be sure to keep an eye on the brownies during the last few minutes. A toothpick inserted in the center should come out with a few moist crumbs, not raw batter.
  • Chopped nuts, chocolate chips, peanut butter swirls, or even sprinkles can add fun flavor and texture variations to your brownies.

Can I Use A Regular Brownie Recipe In My Air Fryer?

While it's possible, it's generally recommended to halve a recipe to avoid overcrowding the air fryer basket and ensure even cooking.

What are The Best Chocolate Chips and Cocoa to Use For This Recipe?

For the best results use high-quality chocolate chips with a cocoa content of at least 60% for a rich flavor. Brands like Ghirardelli, Callebaut, or Guittard are excellent choices. For cocoa powder, opt for unsweetened Dutch-processed cocoa, such as Valrhona or Droste, to ensure a deep, smooth chocolate flavor.

Can I Substitute Butter With Oil?

Yes, you can! Use 1:1 substitution, so replace the 115g (½ cup) of butter with 115g (½ cup) of oil. This may slightly alter the texture and flavor, making the brownies a bit more moist and less rich.

Do I Need To Preheat My Air Fryer For Brownies?

Not always! Many air fryer brownie recipes work fine without preheating. However, preheating for a few minutes can be helpful for thicker batters or if you want a crispier outer edge.

How Long Do I Cook Air Fryer Brownies?

Cooking times can vary depending on the size and thickness of your brownies, as well as the specific air fryer model. Most recipes range from 15-20 minutes at 180°C (356°F). Keep an eye on them during the last few minutes to avoid overcooking.

I Don't Have A Square Pan. Can I Use Something Else?

Sure! Any small oven-safe baking dish that fits comfortably in your air fryer will work. Just be sure to adjust the cooking time slightly if the pan size is significantly different.

Will Air Fryer Brownies Be As Fudgy As Oven-Baked Brownies?

They can be! The key is to not overmix the batter and to use melted chocolate or a combination of melted chocolate and cocoa powder.

Can I Add Mix-Ins To My Air Fryer Brownies?

Absolutely! Chopped nuts, chocolate chips, peanut butter swirls, or even sprinkles can add delicious variations to your brownies.

Can I Reheat These Brownies in The Air Fryer?

Yes! To reheat, set the air fryer to 160°C (320°F) and heat the brownies for 2-3 minutes, or until warmed through. Be sure to check them frequently to avoid overcooking.

More Brownies Recipes For Your Chocolate Cravings!

Easy Eggless Brownies

No-Bake Brownies

Microwave Brownies

Brownie Cookies

How to Store Air Fryer Brownies

Air Fryer Brownies can be stored at room temperature for up to three days, in the fridge for up to a week, or frozen for up to 3 months.


Chocolate chips
220g (1 ¼ cups)
115g (½ cup)
Cocoa powder
40g (¼ cup)
3 eggs
100g (1 cup)
Vanilla Extract
2 tsp
80g (⅔ cup)
½ tsp

How To Make Air Fryer Brownies

In a bowl, combine your chocolate chips and butter. Melt them in the microwave in short bursts, stirring in between, until they become smooth.

Sift in your cocoa powder and stir to create a rich, chocolatey base for the brownies.

In a separate bowl, add the eggs, sugar, and vanilla extract. Whisk them together until light and fluffy.

Pour the melted chocolate mixture into the fluffy egg mixture and gently fold it in with a spatula. Be careful not to overmix.

Gradually add the flour to the batter, along with a pinch of salt. Gently fold it in until just combined.

Pour your brownie batter into a greased square baking tray suitable for your air fryer.

Preheat your air fryer (if needed) and bake the brownies at 180°C (356°F) for 20 minutes.

Take the brownies out and let them cool completely in the tray. This allows them to set and become perfectly fudgy.

Once cool, use a knife to cut the brownies into squares – perfect for sharing (or not sharing, we won't judge!).

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