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9 Surprising Ways to Open Stubborn Jars

Struggling to open a stubborn jar? Fear not! In this article, we explore 9 unexpected techniques to help you conquer even the most tightly sealed jars with ease. With these innovative methods at your disposal, you'll never have to wrestle with a stubborn lid again!

By Cookist

Opening a stubborn jar can be a frustrating experience, especially when you're hungry and craving that delicious homemade jam or pickles. Fortunately, there are plenty of inventive methods to tackle this common kitchen challenge. From using household items to applying clever tricks, here are 9 surprising ways to open stubborn jars every time.

1. Hot Water Bath Method


Submerge the jar's lid in hot water for a few minutes to expand the metal, making it easier to twist open. This method is particularly effective for jars with vacuum-sealed lids. Alternatively, you can try running the jar under hot water. Simply, hold the jar's lid under hot running water for a minute or two to warm it up and loosen the seal. This method works well for plastic or metal lids that are stuck.

2. Rubber Band Grip

Wrap a rubber band around the lid for added traction, providing a better grip and making it easier to twist open. This simple trick can work wonders, especially if your hands are slippery.

3. Tap and Twist Technique


Gently tap the sides of the lid with a spoon or the handle of a knife to break the seal, then try twisting it open. The tapping helps release the vacuum seal, making the lid easier to unscrew.

4. Using a Towel or Glove

Wrap a dish towel or rubber glove around the lid to improve your grip and protect your hands from slipping. The added friction makes it easier to twist open stubborn jars.

5. Kitchen Tools


Use a butter knife or the handle of a spoon to wedge under the lid and gently lift it, breaking the seal. Be careful not to apply too much force to avoid damaging the jar or lid.

6. Using a Jar Opener Tool

Invest in a jar opener tool designed specifically for this purpose. These handy gadgets provide extra leverage and grip, making it easier to twist open stubborn lids.

7. Tapping with a Knife

Carefully tap around the edge of the lid with the blunt side of a knife to loosen the seal. This method helps release trapped air

and pressure, allowing you to open the jar more easily.

8. Applying Silicone Grip Pads


Place silicone grip pads or mats underneath the jar to prevent it from slipping on the countertop while you twist the lid open. These non-slip surfaces provide added stability and leverage.

9. Using Duct Tape for Extra Grip

Wrap a piece of duct tape around the lid and use it as a makeshift grip pad. The tape's texture provides extra traction, making it easier to twist open stubborn jars.


Next time you encounter a stubborn jar, don't despair! Armed with these 10 surprising techniques, you'll be able to tackle even the most tightly sealed lids with confidence. Whether you opt for a hot water bath, rubber band grip, or tapping technique, opening jars will no longer be a daunting task.

So go ahead, unleash those delicious preserves, sauces, and pickles!

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