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10 Surprising Alternative Uses and Ideas for Your Rice Cooker

Stop limiting your rice cooker to just making rice! There are numerous recipes that you can prepare inarice cooker. In this article, we share ten of the most surprising – but delicious! – ways to utilize your rice cooker. From steaming vegetables to preparing desserts, explore the versatility of this kitchen appliance.

By Cookist

While a rice cooker is indispensable for perfectly cooked rice, its versatility extends far beyond this primary function. Modern rice cookers can handle various cooking tasks, making them a handy tool for busy kitchens. Whether you're looking to simplify meal prep or explore new recipes, here are ten innovative ways to fully utilize your rice cooker's potential.

1. Steaming Vegetables

Most rice cookers come with a steaming basket, ideal for steaming vegetables while your rice cooks below. Simply add water to the cooker, place vegetables in the basket, and let steam until tender. It's a convenient way to prepare a nutritious side dish.

2. Cooking Quinoa and Other Grains

Beyond rice, your rice cooker can cook quinoa, couscous, bulgur, and other grains to perfection. Use the same water-to-grain ratio as you would for rice, and let the cooker handle the rest.


3. Preparing Soups and Stews

Many modern rice cookers have a simmer function, allowing you to prepare soups and stews directly in the cooker. Sauté aromatics, add ingredients, and let them simmer until flavors meld together.

4. Making Oatmeal or Porridge

Cook hearty oatmeal or creamy porridge in your rice cooker for a fuss-free breakfast. Add oats, water or milk, and any desired flavorings (like cinnamon or honey), then set the cooker for a warm, comforting meal.

5. Steaming Dumplings or Dim Sum

Use the steaming function to prepare dumplings, buns, or dim sum. Line the steaming tray with parchment paper or cabbage leaves to prevent sticking, add the dumplings, and steam until cooked through.


6. Baking Bread or Cakes

Surprisingly, some rice cookers can bake! Prepare quick bread or cakes by using the cooker's bake function. Adjust recipes for size and ensure even cooking by checking doneness periodically.

7. Cooking Pasta

Cook pasta directly in your rice cooker by adding water, salt, and pasta. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking, and adjust cooking times based on the cooker's instructions for al dente results.

8. Preparing Risotto

Make creamy risotto effortlessly in your rice cooker. Sauté onions and rice, add broth, and let the cooker do the stirring. Add cheese and herbs at the end for a decadent dish.


9. Steaming Fish

Steam delicate fish fillets in your rice cooker for a healthy main course. Season fish with herbs and lemon, place in the steaming basket, and cook until tender and flaky.

10. Slow Cooking

Utilize the slow-cook function to prepare tender meats and hearty stews. Set the cooker on low or high heat, add ingredients, and let them simmer for several hours until flavors meld together perfectly.

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